1. Prof. Stephan Diehl Empirische Untersuchungen zur Verwendung von Python in der Praxis "Complex Python Features in the Wild" https://doi.org/10.1145/3524842.3528467 "An Empirical Study for Common Language Features Used in Python Projects" https://doi.org/10.1109/SANER50967.2021.00012 2. Prof. Philipp Kindermann Pushing Blocks by Sweeping Lines https://drops.dagstuhl.de/opus/volltexte/2022/15971/pdf/LIPIcs-FUN-2022-1.pdf 3. Prof. Stefan Näher "A Simple Min-Cut Algorithm" http://chomsky.uni-trier.de/Lehre/Winter-2022/Seminar/Mincut-Stoer-Wagner.pdf 4. Prof. Ralf Schenkel Generating Clarifying Questions for Query Refinement in Source Code Search https://arxiv.org/pdf/2201.09974.pdf 5. Prof. Jaqueline Staub Here we go again: Why is it difficult for developers to learn another programming language ? N. Shrestha, C. Botta, T. Barik and C. Parnin, ICSE 2020, http://nischalshrestha.me/docs/cross_language_interference.pdf 6. Prof. Peter Sturm Spannbäume in Ethernet-Topologien Literatur: Bitte bei Prof. Sturm nachfragen. 7. Prof. Benjamin Weyers Virtual replicas of real places: Experimental investigations http://chomsky.uni-trier.de/Lehre/Winter-2022/Seminar/Virtual-Replicas.pdf